online READINGS SOUND ceremonies SOUL alignment programme

In every story there are chapters of review and renewal and rebirth

Life, is that story…

Welcome to my world of intuitive insight and healing. As a mentor, tarot reader, and healer, I guide individuals and groups seeking clarity, spiritual connection, personal growth and transformation.

My practice combines sound therapy, intuition with compassionate understanding to help you navigate life's complexities with confidence and grace. All my work is tailored and designed to keep you engaged and connected to your journey.

Let's unlock the mysteries of your path together.

Intensive Soul Alignment Journey

This online journey encompasses six transformative modules, beginning with a Soul Plan reading, Soul Transformation therapy, and guided vision board creation. The program also includes healing sessions and grounding and integration work, offering a comprehensive experience for deep spiritual growth and self-discovery..

UK Festivalling in 2024 - Pre-book available

My tarot tent is a safe space for short readings to add to your weekend experience, you will find me here…

Purple Psychic Fair, Surrey - May 11-12

Orbit Festival, Shropshire, 7-9 June

Wellnergy, Wimbledon - June 15-16

World Yoga Festival, Henley - 2-4 July

WOW Festival, Surrey - 20-21 July

Green Man, Wales 15 - 18 August

Carfest, Hampshire - 23-25 August

Om & Bass, Oxfordshire, 13 - 15 September

A one to one mentoring programme designed to develop your spiritual practice. Experiential and full of insight and practical tools - 12 weekly sessions

Together we will explore what you would like to gain from a spiritual practice and each session is designed to help you deepen a connection to your intuition and work with your spirit guides. You will develop a spiritual practice that integrates easily into a daily routine whilst understanding how this can heal past patterns and wounds.

We will explore topics such as meditation, grounding, energy management, boundaries, sacred spaces and spiritual discernment.

The Intuitive Life

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