The more you notice your vibes you will see that they make sense in one way or another You will come to trust and know your spirit and inner compass Love Your higher self.png

Entering into our own gateway to begin a personal path to awakening is our own unique experience.

Whatever philosophies, beliefs, and values we were taught as children there comes a time when doorways open guiding us towards a exploring a spiritual framework that filters our feelings like an inner compass that we have to follow.

These doorways appear in many guises opening our curious mind through serendipity or synchronicity that couldn't have been designed by you. A friend who has discovered Buddhism appears just as you are frazzled and seeking inner peace, the gift of a crystal by a friend, the text of a song with lyrics you are entranced by, an inspirational quote in a shop window. It may be a shocking event, illness or out-of-the-blue spiritual experience that takes us into discovering whether there is more beyond this body and mind - how do you explain the infinite, the universal, and “coincidences” that appear at the perfect time.

When the student is ready the teacher will appear.png

It is important to acknowledge our teachers in all forms. By teacher we mean experiences that change the shape of our thinking and who we are. The shock that takes us away from how we thought life would be, the illness that appears, the cruel friend who turns, the parent who walks away… these are the painful that walk us through the door and into healing. There are awakenings that come in the form of a spiritual experience, seeing angels, kundalini, a meditation that takes you into a higher state of consciousness, once experienced our natural reaction is to either follow or repel which blocks the potential for growth.

More and more research is being done on the quantum field, the shumann resonances, frequencies of light and energy that affect our physical bodies and what exactly lies beyond the galaxies and stars, as we are bombarded with persuasion and information it is even more important now to practice self awareness so that you dont get lost in the noise of the infinate channels selling and convincing you of one way to enlightenment!

When we become more aware of ourselves and the vastness beyond we can tune into more of our truth and what fits well with us, understanding that if it feels right we allow ourselves to follow that. In turn we also allow others the same space acknowledging the variety and colour of our unique experience. Whilst others share what works for them only we can decide what inspires and motivates us to explore, synching us to vitality and our perfect unique path.

Enjoy the ride, receive support when needed. There is no destination and plenty to explore..

Thank you for reading.


overcoming blocks to meditation..