Since my late 20’s I have questioned my place in the world and how to navigate it. Following a traumatic November night I had a ’call to change’ and the path that lit up for me to heal my wounds were the metaphysical healing arts.

Learning to use spiritual principles as a way of “be-ing” is where I have found the greatest re-connection back to myself


  • Spiritual development teacher

  • Reiki Master, humans and horses

  • Mediumship - (College of Psychic Studies, London)

  • Tarot and oracle cards

  • Soul Plan Reader - (Holistic Healing College, London)


Holistic Massage ,Tibetan Head, Baby massage - St Marys University, Twickenham

NLP & EFT training

Soul Transformation Therapy, (Holistic Healing College, London)


Meditation - Creator of Journeys Into Stillness Guided meditation

Founder and Host of Awakening Events in 2012

Talks - “Wake up! the world in changing” - “Living Holistically in a concrete jungle” (delivered in Hong Kong.

Creator of Tik Tok channel @thespirit-hub

Course host - The Intuitive Life, The Self Awareness Reboot, Gut Instinct Retreat, Spiritual and psychic development.

A prayer for reflection

As I renew myself

I renew the World,

As I Care for myself

I Care for the World,

As I Heal myself

I Heal the World,

As I inspire myself

I inspire the World,

As I love myself

I love the World

  • Nikki Leader

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